Leah De Guzman

Strategy to Success Coordinator

What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

A monitor lizard meat. I was still in high school when this happened, my uncle caught a monitor lizard and they are known to eat roosters and hens, so my uncle killed it because his chickens were at risk, he then tried grilling the meat and it tasted just like chicken.

What’s your favorite thing about your job?

Being able to help the clients materialize their financial goals is one of them. Every approved application, every successful transaction, every great client feedback is very fulfilling for me knowing I was one of the people who helped in getting things done.

What’s the first concert you ever went to?

I never actually tried going to a concert. I’m not a big music fan but ironically, I have a Spotify subscription. I just listen to old school musicians like Air Supply, Chicago, Carpenters.

If you could trade jobs with anyone for a day, who would it be?

I think it would be fascinating to trade places with any of Gordon Ramsay’s head chefs. To be able to cook a Beef Wellington incorrectly and get cursed by Gordon is one of my dreams, or even just him telling me “Its raw!!!!!!”

What does it mean to live your optimal life live to you?

To me, peace of mind is the true essence of an optimal life. The ability to live each day free from worry is nothing short of a dream. It’s the simple joys — waking up to share a slow morning coffee with my husband, taking peaceful walks outdoor and enjoying fresh air, cooking for my family, spending quality time with friends, and exploring the world — that shape my ideal life. I know I can only get there when I make a conscious decision every day to choose this life.

03 9077 2007
Level 24
570 Bourke Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000
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